Diploma recognition


The College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin campus) is a European educational institution established under Belgian Law. It is registered with the Flemish Government of Belgium as an institution of higher education (The Flemish Government is competent for educational matters within the Belgian Federal State). Its Masters are officially recognised by the Flemish Government, and are equivalent to fully recognised Masters issued by a Flemish University.

The official recognition is valid for all graduates of both campuses and has retroactive effect (Articles 53bis, 124 and 130 of the Decree on the Restructuring of Higher Education in Flanders as amended on 4 July 2008.
(Dutch version) – (French version)

In accordance with the Bologna Declaration the College of Europe offers one year advanced Masters and, from the academic year 2009-2010 on, calculates coursework in ECTS credits. (English version) – (French version)

The one-year study programme at the College of Europe leads to an accredited degree of 66 ECTS.

The academic programmes of the College of Europe are accredited by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO, Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie) for the period 2010-2018 which is renewable. This official organisation was established by international treaty between the Flemish Government and the Dutch government with the aim of ensuring the quality of higher education in both Flanders and the Netherlands (cf. Belgisch Staatsblad (Moniteur belge), 19.08.2010, pp.53938ff).

The Flemish Government had already granted a provisional accreditation for the period 2007-2010.


Information on the recognition of diplomas awarded by the College of Europe on the territory of the Republic of Poland

The diplomas awarded by the College of Europe are recognised in Poland as diplomas awarded by a foreign higher education institution, no matter whether the diploma has been issued in Bruges or in Warsaw’s Natolin. In this case, the place of studies does not affect the status of the diploma.

The above signifies that the level of education and obtained qualifications are assessed in the light of Belgian law. The diplomas awarded to graduates of the College of Europe (including the graduates of the EIS academic programme taught at Natolin in Warsaw) confirm the completion of a one-year programme of studies in the Belgian higher education system, at the level of advanced Master’s, worth 66 ECTS-credits.

In Poland, advanced Master’s diplomas obtained under the Belgian higher education system can be treated as diplomas of completion of post-graduate studies. This does not signify, however, that they are diplomas of completion of post-graduate studies in the Polish system of education.

In case of doubts in this regard, it is possible to contact the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) director responsible for recognition of foreign diplomas for the purposes of continuation of studies in the Polish education system, as well as undertaking employment on the territory of the Republic of Poland requiring prior obtainment of specific professional qualifications.

On other matters, contact can be made with the appropriate National Academic Recognition Information Centre, in this case the NARIC-Vlaanderen.